
Pacific Moving Services Pte Ltd.
Unit 6, Building Two,
Lot 16 Rokobili Subdivision
Suva, Fiji.
Tel: +679-7929659/7455441
E-mail: Please contact branch through the Contact Us page


***Do not ship without JVK greenlight.***


To import duty free shipper must have Fijian work permit ( for expatriate) or have resided outside of Fiji for a minimum 12 months prior to returning to Fiji (for Fijian national) and must have owned and used all the personal effects for a minimum 12 months and are all for personal use and not for re-sale.

Any items deemed as non-personal effects, such as construction materials, tools-of-the-trade etc, will be dutiable as will any brand new items. Customs will also consider the family unit size that is moving compared to the volume and nature of the shipment to determine if the shipment is ‘reasonable’ for duty free entry.

***Bio-security inspection (to control pests) is mandatory for ALL sea import shipment including Embassy, Diplomat, Govt employees, Private, etc. This Bio-security inspection is done twice upon arrival in Fiji, 1st inspection is done at our Tailgate Depot/yard post customs clearance at port. For Diplomat shipments, the shipping line seal of container is opened by the Bio-security inspection officer at our yard during the 1st inspection, once it’s done, the officer puts the new seal on container to close it. The 2nd Bio-security inspection is done at shipper’s residence while shipment delivery and the new seal is removed in presence of Bio-security officer upon verification.***

For any shipper that does not fulfill these criteria the entire shipment will be subject to import duty at varying rates plus VAT at 12.5% on top of total duty amount.

Diplomats require duty free certificate issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs whilst UN/NGO/AID employees require duty free certificate issued by their sponsor government department.

Returning citizens might be asked to provide proof of overseas residence and evidence of date they returned to Fiji.

All shipments must be ISPM15 compliant. Additional quarantine charges might apply.


Never mix personal effects with commercial goods.

Generally pornography, guns, fireworks, narcotics, gambling instruments and subversive or offensive literature are banned as are agricultural products. Do not ship food or alcohol as these will complicate the clearance process and lead to extra charges

Any refrigerators or airconditioning units in the shipment require a special import permit. To obtain this the brand/model/size/value will need to be provided prior to shipping.


Cars are complicated to import. Generally only diplomats can import duty free but under certain circumstances individuals can import but the procedure is lengthy and complicated. Jet skis and boats are also complicated to import. Check with JVK before shipping.


Pets may be imported but a valid Import Permit is required to be issued prior to arrival of the pet. Pets must be forwarded as manifested cargo under an Airway Bill (not hand carried). To apply for an Import Permit we require the general details of the pet (name, sex, breed, age, color). Import Permits can take up to 2 weeks to issue and shipments MUST NOT be forwarded without an Import Permit. When the pet is forwarded it is essential that the rabies vaccination and general vaccination certificates are attached to the Airway Bill. Up to 4 months quarantine is required at an approved quarantine establishment. Length of quarantine depends which country the pet is imported from. Contact JVK for more details.


Please contact the JVK office for consignment instructions.

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